Деревянные лестницы фото на второй этаж: Деревянные лестницы – 135 лучших фото-идей дизайна лестницы на второй этаж в частном доме

Деревянные лестницы – 135 лучших фото-идей дизайна лестницы на второй этаж в частном доме

Интерьер лестниц фото

Архитектурная студия Chado

Основой концепции этого современного интерьера стала честная архитектура дома. Теплый оттенок шпона мебели и балки из белого дерева придают уюта даже такому большому и открытому помещению, как кухня-гостиная. Среди материалов главная роль отведена дикому колотому камню темно-красного тона. Он используется как в интерьере, так и на фасаде, пронизывая кровлю и витражи. Из камня состоит и двусторонний камин, который объединяет две зоны — столовую и гостиную.

Remington Plan 4


Plan 4 Stairs
Свежая идея для дизайна: угловая деревянная лестница среднего размера в современном стиле с деревянными ступенями и металлическими перилами — отличное фото интерьера

Projet Levallois

Mon Concept Habitation

L’objectif de la rénovation de ce duplex était de réaménager l’espace et de créer des menuiseries sur mesure pour le rendre plus fonctionnel.

Le nouveau parquet massif en chêne naturel apporte de la chaleur dans les pièces de vie. La nouvelle cuisine, lumineuse, s’ouvre maintenant sur le séjour. Un îlot central dinatoire a été réalisé pour plus de convivialité. Dans la chambre parentale, nous avons conçu une tête de lit graphique en noyer qui donne du caractère à la pièce. Esthétique et pratique, le nouvel escalier en chêne intègre des rangements astucieux ! A l’étage, la pièce maitresse du salon d’été est son meuble TV sur mesure, tout en contraste avec ses façades noires et sa niche en bois. Le résultat : un duplex modernisé et fonctionnel !

Chevy Chase — Mid Century

Teass \ Warren Architects

Стильный дизайн: п-образная деревянная лестница среднего размера в стиле ретро с деревянными ступенями, деревянными перилами и деревянными стенами — последний тренд

Manhattan Micro-Loft

Specht Architects

Located at the top of a brownstone on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, this apartment had a tiny footprint of just 425 feet, but the space stretched vertically for approximately 25 feet, and had access to a roof terrace. Our solution created four separate «living platforms» inserted within the space that provide room for all the essentials and still allow the apartment to feel open and light-filled. The lowest level is an entry and kitchen space, and a few steps up is the main living area. Above the living area is a cantilevered bed pavilion that projects out into the main space, supported on steel beams. A final stair leads up to a roof garden. All the spaces flow into one another, and the idea of distinct «rooms» dissolved. Given the miniscule size of the apartment, every inch of space is put to use. Stairs are not merely for circulation through the apartment, but feature built-in storage cabinetry and drawers below. The main bath and shower, in fact, are also built below the primary staircase. The kitchen features fully concealed appliances, flip up high storage units for easy access, and a countertop that wraps into the main living space, becoming a virtual ‘hearth’ with built-in entertainment system.

There are no traditional closets in the entire apartment. Materials throughout are selected to emphasize the spatial characteristics of the project. The perimeter is light, with painted (existing) brick, glass backsplashes and shelving, and white lacquered kitchen cabinets, stair cabinets, and fittings. The cantilevered bed pavilion is clad in dark wood, and anchors the space — a central object around which everything revolves. A dark wood floor and wood stair treads lead through and around the apartment, spiraling up onto the wood deck at the room. Given the number of built-in features, furnishings are minimal in number, with only a couch, coffee table, bed, and a side chair necessary. Design Team: Scott Specht, Louise Harpman, Amy Lopez-Cepero, Sheryl Jordan, Devin Keyes Photography: Taggart Sorenson Press and Awards AIA Design Award Architizer A+ Award The New York Times «Tiny Homes Hunting» on DIY TV Interior Design «Best of Year»

Sterndale Road


На фото: прямая деревянная лестница среднего размера в современном стиле с деревянными ступенями и кладовкой или шкафом под ней

Ravenswood 2-flat to single family conversion

Omar Gutiérrez, Architect

Converted a tired two-flat into a transitional single family home. The very narrow staircase was converted to an ample, bright u-shape staircase, the first floor and basement were opened for better flow, the existing second floor bedrooms were reconfigured and the existing second floor kitchen was converted to a master bath. A new detached garage was added in the back of the property. Architecture and photography by Omar Gutiérrez, Architect

Transitional Elegance Staircase

John McClain Design

Custom iron stair rail in a geometric pattern is showcased against custom white floor to ceiling wainscoting along the stairwell. A custom brass table greets you as you enter. Photo: Stephen Allen

Contemporary Staircase

Стильный дизайн: деревянная лестница в современном стиле с деревянными ступенями и металлическими перилами — последний тренд

Union Square Apartment

kimberly peck architect

the stair was moved from the front of the loft to the living room to make room for a new nursery upstairs.

the stair has oak treads with glass and blackened steel rails. the top three treads of the stair cantilever over the wall. the wall separating the kitchen from the living room was removed creating an open kitchen. the apartment has beautiful exposed cast iron columns original to the buildings 19th century structure.

Key Largo Residence

Interiors by Maite Granda

A «Happy Home» was our goal when designing this vacation home in Key Largo for a Delaware family. Lots of whites and blues accentuated by other primary colors such as orange and yellow.

Rear deck stair leading to outdoor shower

Daniel Contelmo Architects

The rear pool deck has its own staircase, which leads down to their private beachfront. The base landing of the stair connects to an outdoor shower for rinsing off after a day in the sand. Photographer: Daniel Contelmo Jr.

Highlands Creek

Cornelius Homes, Inc.

Dramatic staircase backed by two-story curved white paneled wall, quartered white oak stair treads with iron spindles and carpet runner, wood handrail, and concealed LED lighting in skirt board to illuminate steps. This is so incredible in person! Photo by Paul Bonnichsen.

Modern Glass Staircase Railing

Keuka Studios, Inc

Interior stairs with glass walls, solid aluminum posts and white oak wood top rail. Fabrication of railings by Keuka Studios
Свежая идея для дизайна: угловая деревянная лестница среднего размера в стиле модернизм с деревянными ступенями и перилами из тросов — отличное фото интерьера

Treetops House

Specht Architects

Treetops House The Treetops House is a renovation and major expansion of a 1955 suburban ranch house. The project presented some interesting questions of preservation vs change, as well as a compelling story of dealing with a challenging (and ultimately rewarding) site.

The original house was very typical for its time and place—a sprawling single-story, fairly nondescript affair that had small windows, and was clad entirely in Texas limestone. Our challenge was to turn this into a modern house that was open, bright, and inviting, while not completely obliterating all traces of what had existed before. Part of our philosophy is that elements of the history of a place be retained and incorporated into any new design. There are characteristics of almost any design, regardless of how banal, that embody memories and a sense of neighborhood. We feel that preserving these adds depth to any new intervention. With the Treetops House, we largely maintained the entire limestone perimeter wall, and used it as a heavy plinth on which a new second level was added. The new upper level features large frameless glass windows and is filled with light.
The interior was opened up to create double-height spaces that bring this light from above and into the center of the house. The new composition is one which is clearly of its time, but also respects and reflects the time and place in which the original house was created. The house is on a site that straddles a fault in the limestone base strata below. Water continuously flows up through this fault and flows out onto the property. The original 1955 house featured a foundation with extremely deep concrete piers that allowed the house to bear on more stable strata far below the surface. Given that building new piers was cost-prohibitive, we did not expand the house’s footprint at all, but cantilevered the new second level out from the existing structure. This strategy not only allowed for the house to be within budget, but also gave it a distinctive dynamic expression. The different materials and profiles of the first and second floors emphasize the house’s horizontality and create another kind stratum that is visual and expressive. Inside the house, a double-height entry hall features stairs that lead up to the second-level main living space. The perimeter of this space is made up of frameless glass is set atop a continuous planter wall that provides a green foreground to the treescape beyond. Large overhangs provide shade at all times of the day, and the surrounding cladding of charred cypress prevents glare and adds a textural counterpoint. Other features include a large kitchen with countertop-height serving windows that open out onto a pool terrace and entertaining area, as well as unique built-in storage and display elements.Landscaping is entirely comprised of native grasses and other low-maintenance plantings. Architect: Specht Architects Contractor: Spencer Construction Photography: Casey Dunn

Лестницы на второй этаж | Фото проектов Стаиршоп.РУ

Лестницы на второй этаж | Фото проектов Стаиршоп.РУ


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